Sunday 6 March 2016

Try to limit distraction to become a more effective listener

How often do you get distracted in home or at work place? It’s a question that’s something to be thought, right?

Distractions can come in all shapes and sizes. Most of us get distracted several times when we are trying to do something, if not dozens of times, every day. We get phone calls or an emergency to do something leaving our work back.

Apart from this, to be serious, as a good listener we should learn to resist distractions when we are having conversation with them, whether it be internal distraction (hunger and thirst) or external distraction (phone calls or television sound). For instance, if you are trying to have conversation with your friend while someone else is watching a horror movie in the same room. Do you think you can listen? Pretty impossible, right?

So, learn to avoid distractions as much as possible. Here are some ways you can follow to become a good listener:
·         Turn off all mobile devices so you are not tempted to look at it.
·         Move to a quiet place where you are away from TV so you don’t get distracted by listening.
·         Maintain eye contact by paying attention to the person. It’s a way you can stay present while they are talking.

If you follow these ways, I am pretty sure you can become a good listener. If you have any comments or thoughts please feel free to say. Also, if you have followed these steps please share if it worked for you or not.

(n.d.). Retrieved from lardbucket:
(n.d.). Retrieved from boundless:

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