Saturday 5 March 2016

Take notes

Do you wonder how to be a good listener in the class? This is the most common thing that students would think how to be. Am I correct?

It literally took me six months to get into the practice of taking notes. Once I have started, I found myself scoring A and A+ in my subjects. Do you want to archive the same results like me? Here are the ways:

Take notes when your professor is explaining a concept in the class. Taking notes helps you to remember concepts. It not only prepares you for your exam, but it forces you to listen more carefully during lectures. (TAKE EFFECTIVE NOTES, n.d.)
Also, when you make your own notes there is no chances for forgetting the concepts because you understand it first and then learn and write in your book. Also, you can refer to it easily anytime in case you forget.

Secondly, know what to take in your notes. When professor stresses a key concept learn to immediately note it in your book. Make it short and in simple terms whichever way it is effective for you. The reason is because, it could be the basics for solving other questions.

Thirdly, to be a good listener in the class try to focus only on what your instructor is talking in the class. Try not to get distracted by your friends. This is the only way you can have excellent listening skills and good judgement when you are taking notes.

If you feel this post was useful please don’t forget to like and comment. You can provide any ideas that will be helpful for others.
(n.d.). Retrieved from cdn3.gurl:
TAKE EFFECTIVE NOTES. (n.d.). Retrieved from howtostudy:

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