Monday 7 March 2016

Pay attention to Non-Verbal cues

How many of you as a listener notice the speaker’s body language and have eye contact during having conversation with them? If rarely, is it because you don’t care to take into consideration since it does not matter while listening? If yes, know that it’s a biggest mistake you are committing as a listener.

To be a good listener you need to notice their body language, eye movements and gestures while having conversation with them. Know and keep in mind that all this can turn out to be useful to us when listening. We don’t just listen with our ears but also with our eyes. You get to understand what they speaker is conveying to you more clearly when you watch and pick up the additional information being transmitted through non-verbal communication. It may also give you clues what you may want to ask or say them next.

If a speaker lacks in showing non-verbal cues it might be signs suggesting that they are carefully controlling their body language to hide their emotions.

So, as a good listener you need to notice all this and move accordingly to the situations to help them by providing them solutions. It not only improves your judgement but also it shows them you care and notice more.

It is always said that if you notice, listen and understand more in a person they tend to share their feeling more with you.

If you find my post was useful then please share it with your friends. Also, if you have any comments or thoughts please feel free to suggest it in the comment box.

(n.d.). Retrieved from doitnow:
Listening Skills – 11 Steps to Become a Good Listener. (n.d.). Retrieved from calebstorkey:
Non-Verbal Communication. (n.d.). Retrieved from skillsyouneed:

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