Sunday 6 March 2016

Learn to reflect back by asking questions and providing feedback

The most common mistake that people do is they don’t ask questions. As a listener if you are reading this, stop for a moment and think about it from their place. Do you feel worried then?

In my case as a speaker I would definitely say yes, because I have been through that condition where I say something to my friends and all they do is nod their head or say yes/no answer.

If you as a listener do this mistake, try to stop it now. The only way you can be a good listener and make people feel you have an interest in what they say is by asking questions. But if you want to be interesting to them, share things. And if you want to be intriguing, then share your point of view with them.

Know that questioning and listening are joined at the hip. Asking open-ended question encourages the person to talk and also it is another way to get more information about specific areas you are unclear about.

Here are some steps that you should follow as a good listener:
  • Learn to provide feedback to the speaker by telling them how you feel about their viewpoint. It’s a difficult task for sure, since you need to put feelings into words. But once you learn to master the art of emotional labelling, you will notice how it makes major difference in the quality of conversations with your friends, bosses or loved ones.
  • Ask open-ended questions so that they can briefly explain you. Also, keep in mind not to use questions that will make them feel bad depending on what they are sharing with you.

Please feel free to leave your comments or thoughts below. Also, like my post if you find it useful.

(n.d.). Retrieved from readytomanage:
KENDY, W. F. (n.d.). How to Be a Good Listener. Retrieved from sellingpower:
Why "Being A Good Listener" Is Holding You Back. (n.d.). Retrieved from fastcompany:

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